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Injunctions – a useful tool for registered providers
Posted: 03/05/2023
Registered providers (RPs) of social housing should not let the threat of legal proceedings stop them from dealing with complaints, and from maintaining and repairing homes; and neither should they have policies in place which prevent them from doing so. Quite often when legal proceedings are instigated by a tenant......>>
Aviva Investors Ground Rent GP Ltd and another (Respondents) v Williams and others (Appellants) [2023] UKSC 6
Posted: 01/03/2023
On 8 February 2023, the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision providing clarification on the issue of the re-apportionment of service charges in residential leases. Property litigation partner Ben Robinson acted for the landlords in the case, Aviva Investors Ground Rent, instructing Simon Allison and Brooke Lyne of Landmark Chambers......>>
The New Homes Quality Code – are you getting ready?
Posted: 27/05/2022
Developers must register with the New Homes Quality Board by the end of December 2022, and those applying will need to be aware of the independent body’s New Homes Quality Code. Released back in December 2021, developers bound by the code, or providers wanting to ensure procedures and sales adhere to its spirit, will have to understand......>>
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