Tier 4 licence suspensions overturned

Case studies

Tier 4 licence suspensions overturned

In recent months we have worked with a number of UK education providers where the UK Border Agency (UKBA) has taken action in suspending their licences under tier 4 of the sponsorship system.

In relation to one of our clients we persuaded UKBA to reinstate the licence within one week of receiving instructions from our client. Our client's licence had been suspended following inaccurate information being passed to the Border Agency sponsorship section by a visa processing facility overseas.

Our team attended our client's premises and conducted a thorough review of their systems and procedures to ensure they were compliant with their duties under the sponsorship scheme. We then represented them when UKBA's visiting officers conducted an on-site visit and provided UKBA with documentary evidence which clearly demonstrated that our client was compliant. Subsequently we approached our senior contacts in the sponsor licence section and negotiated with them to reinstate our client's licence.

Our client's business continues to thrive and we have provided them with training and updates to ensure they remain compliant.

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Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP

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