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UK energy team hosts insightful breakfast seminar on energy trilemma
Posted: 28/10/2024
Earlier this month, members of Penningtons Manches Cooper’s UK energy team, partners John Doherty, Mona Patel, James Hallas, and Tim Johnson, senior associate Hannah McIlwraith, and associates Richard Raban-Williams and James Jolly, convened for the latest energy trilemma breakfast at the firm’s London office. The event was part of a......>>
Greenwashing: are ‘eco-friendly’ companies now in the regulator’s crosshairs?
Posted: 11/09/2024
A surge in greenwashing allegations over recent years has been accompanied by a number of subsequent high-profile investigations. The investigation by Ofgem into energy giant Drax Power Limited, however, has thrown up a new angle to greenwashing. Previous investigations, such as those against Shell and Delta Airlines, have largely been......>>
The Pepsi Challenge: food and drinks giant accused of greenwashing and contributing to plastic pollution
Posted: 12/01/2024
The State of New York has issued legal proceedings against PepsiCo after finding significant plastic pollution in the Buffalo River. Allegations include that the company’s packaging has caused or contributed to a public nuisance and it has failed to adequately warn consumers of the harms that its packaging can cause. The organisation was also......>>
Greenwashing: the gathering storm of disclosure regulation and litigation risks in the financial services sector (part one)
Posted: 27/11/2023
The rise in popularity of sustainable finance products and green funds has been so rapid in recent years that in 2022 it was estimated 10% of the world’s assets were held in ESG-focused funds. However, the soaring appeal of green finance has been allied with concerns that investors may not be receiving an accurate picture about the sustainability......>>
Derivative claim against Shell goes up in smoke
Posted: 15/11/2023
The first recorded attempt to use a derivative action to hold directors liable for a company’s climate crisis response has been brought by ClientEarth. The claim did fail in the High Court, however, it may be appealed. The requirement for good faith and the views of other shareholders may be of consequence to future derivative actions......>>
Greenwashing: the claims keep coming
Posted: 14/06/2023
It seems that barely a week goes by at the moment without a story breaking which contains fresh allegations of greenwashing being committed by organisations. Already this month we have learned of action being taken against household names Shell and Delta Air Lines, as a result of their allegedly misleading eco-friendly claims......>>
More digital asset litigation: round two – the Tulip Trading saga continues
Posted: 03/04/2023
Are blockchain developers liable as fiduciaries or otherwise to bitcoin owners who use their software? This is a question that the Court of Appeal decided ought to be considered when it granted permission for Tulip Trading Limited (Tulip) to appeal the High Court’s conclusion that they were not, in August 2022. You can review our article about this......>>
More digital asset litigation: Court of Appeal to analyse the potential duties of blockchain developers
Posted: 31/08/2022
The judgment of the English High Court in March 2022 in Tulip Trading Limited -v- Bitcoin Association for Bitcoin SV (BSV) & Others was a seminal decision in the arena of digital assets. The judgment of Mrs Justice Falk provided comfort to blockchain developers that they are not accountable to users of their software who are victims of a hack......>>
Greenwashing: as promised, the Competition and Markets Authority makes its move
Posted: 17/08/2022
Penningtons Manches Cooper has previously advised of the investigation launched in November 2020 by the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) into potential greenwashing by businesses. Fast forward almost two years and the CMA is making good on its promise to interrogate organisations whose green credentials......>>
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