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Forging collaborations: the power of commercial agreements
Posted: 17/12/2024
Although not strictly intellectual property rights, trade secrets and other confidential information are an important means by which early-stage companies can gain a competitive advantage. Confidential information is protected without further formality by an enforceable equitable duty of confidence, but are more commonly protected by......>>
Updates to the ABPI code 2024 – what you need to know
Posted: 06/12/2024
The much awaited 2024 edition of the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) Code of Practice for the Pharmaceutical Industry came into effect on 1 October 2024 following the conclusion of the public consultation period. It replaces the previous version from 2021, and promises to increase the standards expected of pharmaceutical......>>
Associated Press and Open AI: the first news-sharing and technology partnership
Posted: 26/10/2023
The two-year partnership between the Associated Press (AP) and OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, is one that has the potential to influence the way developers access and exploit valuable data sets to train AI. Whilst some of the key details of the deal have not been disclosed, including the commercial terms, what has been shared is that......>>
The DSM copyright directive – making slow and unsteady progress
Posted: 03/08/2023
The Digital Single Market (DSM) directive (2019/790) aims to harmonise certain aspects of EU members’ copyright legislation. In addition to providing legal certainty to digital and cross-border uses of copyright protected works, its purpose is to outline key obligations and responsibilities for industry stakeholders. The route to......>>
THJ Systems Ltd v Sheridan: a copyright case summary
Posted: 17/07/2023
In this case, the High Court considered a claim of copyright infringement involving the use and display of software in presentations, and obligations to include copyright notices. Mr Mitchell was a software engineer who owned an English company called THJ Systems Limited (THJ). He wrote and developed a software called OptionNet Explorer (ONE)......>>
Is student-created IP fair game?
Posted: 26/04/2023
Is it fair for a university to own intellectual property (IP) created by a student? In the recent ruling of OUI v ONI, Judge Daniel Alexander clarified a key legal issue in relation to postgraduate students as consumers, and its impact on university IP policies. The case arose against a background of debate amongst higher educational institutions......>>
Pasternak v Prescott: a copyright case summary relating to selection claims and quotation defences
Posted: 07/04/2023
n an important case linked to the epic tale of Doctor Zhivago by Boris Pasternak, the High Court considered whether a claim of copyright infringement can succeed on the basis of a particular selection of events and facts, and examined defences in relation to the use of translations. Rejected by Soviet publishers in 1955 and yet ultimately......>>
Comparing the EU clinical trials regulation and the MHRA consultation on clinical trials
Posted: 23/05/2022
Life sciences analysis: Rachel Bradley, partner, and Shaan Mehra and Clemency Pleming, trainee solicitors, explain the key provisions of the new EU Clinical Trials Regulation and considers how these compare with the main proposals in the MHRA’s consultation on the UK clinical trials regime......>>
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