Damages for family of motorist killed in collision with lorry driver

Case Studies

Damages for family of motorist killed in collision with lorry driver

We have recently settled a claim for damages of more than £1 million for the family of a man who died in a road traffic accident.

While he was driving to work one morning, an HGV lorry came around the corner on the wrong side of the road and hit his car head-on. He was killed instantly. Investigations concluded that the driver of the HGV had fallen asleep and he was subsequently prosecuted.

The dead man, who worked at a high level in the City, was the main breadwinner for his family of a wife and two young adult children. While his employer made some provision for his family and was very supportive, the loss of lifetime income meant that they had to bring a claim. They came to us via a personal recommendation.

After investigating the accident circumstances, we submitted the claim to the defendant and his insurers. The insurers admitted liability only and we then began examining the value of the claim. This involved detailed analysis of the finances and plans of the whole family, including pension losses and property income. The claim was presented to the other side and, following a settlement meeting, a substantial award of damages was agreed.

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