Charities Charity Commission appoints Penningtons Manches Cooper to its Interim Manager panel Thu, 11 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT Expanding our highly regarded charity sector expertise, partner Hilary Aldred and associate Rachel Spruce have been appointed to the panel of approved Interim Managers for the Charity Commission for England and Wales. The Charity Commission is a non-ministerial government department that regulates registered charities and maintains......>> 680f7a53-d89a-4698-aba0-45fd58801706 What does a Labour government mean for the charity sector? Wed, 10 Jul 2024 00:00:00 GMT Historically having a Labour government, with its emphasis on public welfare, has translated into increased funding for charities, particularly those addressing poverty, homelessness, and social inequality. It might therefore be thought that charities working in these sectors will now see an increase in government support; although if there really is......>> 7167d645-7914-4ba1-b58c-a06ae8c6f68e The legacy of classic cars: tax considerations when passing on a prized possession Thu, 16 May 2024 00:00:00 GMT There are over 330,000 ‘classic’ cars in Britain according to a freedom of information request to the DVLA in December 2023, which defines these as being cars that were first registered over 40 years ago. There are several diverse legal exemptions that historic cars can benefit from, including exemption from vehicle excise duty (the often......>> 9e64c342-65f5-4a33-9773-cd02a546a376 Updates to the Charities Act 2022: recent changes in charity property law Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT Charities play a crucial role in society, and as such, it is essential for charities and their trustees to stay informed about changes in the legal landscape that governs them. The Charities Act 2022 underwent various updates in October 2022 and then again in June 2023. Recently, there have been further changes, with the latest tranche having come into......>> 38934902-da63-465f-8b70-933c22eb97f3 Private schools, the permanent endowment ‘problem’, and VAT on fees Fri, 12 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT Changing social attitudes around private schools and their charitable status seem to have contributed to the Labour Party’s proposal to add VAT to private school fees (as well as remove the 80% business rates reduction they currently benefit from as charities). This article considers why this policy has changed, from the initial proposal of removing......>> 879b7a77-fe29-4f52-84c3-a6848ca384ca Spring Budget 2024 and the impact on charities Tue, 09 Apr 2024 00:00:00 GMT The announcements made on 6 March in the Spring Budget 2024 have left the charity sector, according to Civil, with ‘very few measures to help’. Of course, much of it is speculative as we are in an election year, but what is disappointing to see is the lack of recognition of the way in which the charity sector is propping up......>> 1a943edd-0fba-4b71-a891-2e48017ebb40 Social media: a charity’s friend or foe? Tue, 19 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT Charities are often by their very nature involved in highly emotive issues – whether this is aid in a humanitarian crisis, assisting a vulnerable group, or promoting views which others may perceive as controversial. Used well, social media can be a fantastic resource for getting the charity’s message out quickly and punchily – but unwise social media posts......>> ed3d0a58-7cb8-4dd1-a8ad-5f2c6c30352f How to deal confidently with whistleblowing allegations Wed, 06 Dec 2023 00:00:00 GMT The Charity Commission has published a summary of the whistleblowing disclosures it received about charities for the period 2022 to 2023. The summary shows that there were 327 whistleblowing disclosures over the year. It was the second highest number of disclosures within the last eight years, with the figures demonstrating a steady rise......>> 8d8a470e-800a-4a5b-835d-670688c9759e An introduction to charity corporate foundations Thu, 20 Apr 2023 00:00:00 GMT The number of charity corporate foundations (CCFs) continues to grow, especially in light of the current cost-of-living crisis, providing an effective structure for commercial companies to engage in charitable giving. This article provides an easy-to-understand summary for businesses that may be considering setting one up......>> f3f73e89-3d05-4667-84d8-4d803c324c00 How to structure and manage a charity’s bank accounts Fri, 10 Mar 2023 00:00:00 GMT Charities can be structured in any number of different ways, whether a charitable trust, unincorporated association, a charitable company, or a charitable incorporated organisation, not to mention charitable community benefit societies or charities established by, for example, a Royal Charter. The type of structure is important as it has an impact......>> 50babb82-4215-411d-a2bc-ea136cc89da8