Life in the UK handbook is published Image

Life in the UK handbook is published

Posted: 29/01/2013

A new and updated version of the Life in the UK test handbook has been published by the UKBA and is available to buy from 28 January 2013.

The Life in the UK test is for migrants wishing to seek permanent residence in the UK or naturalisation as a British citizen. A new, 45 minute version of the test will be introduced on 25 March 2013, eight weeks after the publication of the handbook and therefore giving applicants time to prepare.

The UKBA says the handbook has been updated to provide an accurate reflection of life in the UK and includes a greater emphasis on British culture and history. Ten example questions have been released and these include ‘which landmark is a prehistoric monument which still stands in the English county of Wiltshire?’ and ‘what is the name of the admiral who died in a sea battle in 1805 and has a monument in Trafalgar Square, London?’ Questions on the legal system, democracy and government will also be included.

Unlike the current test, which only has questions on selected chapters in the book, the new test will include questions on all sections of the handbook. The UKBA has also stressed that the booking system will make it clear to candidates whether they are booking the new or old test.

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