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Collective and individual recognition for India group in the India Business Law Journal’s lists of top foreign law firms and international advisers
Posted: 06/08/2024
Penningtons Manches Cooper’s India group, led by partners Phillip D’Costa and Pat Saini, has been recognised as a ‘Key Player’ in the India Business Law Journal’s (IBLJ) Top Foreign Law Firms 2024 report. The publication, which is now in its 18th year, draws on analysis of over 600 law firms from across the globe, to rank the top international law firms......>>
Navigating international disputes: enforcing judgments from India in England and Wales
Posted: 17/05/2023
This article examines the requirements and procedure governing enforcement of judgments from the courts of India in England and Wales. Enforcement of judgments between India and England and Wales is based on reciprocity, ie both countries treat judgments from one another’s courts in the same way. Judgments from ‘recognised courts’......>>
Parent company liability: Supreme Court clarifies approach to jurisdictional challenges
Posted: 01/06/2021
The Supreme Court has reinforced the jurisdictional gateway through which claimants may bring claims in negligence against the parent company of an overseas subsidiary. In the case of Okpabi & Others v Royal Dutch Shell Plc & Another [2021] UKSC 3, the Supreme Court considered the appellants’ claims...…>>
Remedies of the English courts
Posted: 01/12/2020
English courts are prepared to grant injunctive relief on worldwide assets in support of foreign proceedings, where a case based on international fraud can be made out, provided the requisite conditions for the grant of such relief are met and the applicant has not delayed in seeking such relief...…>>
UK immigration routes for Indian nationals: what does the future hold?
Posted: 11/11/2019
The UK is heading for a December election, which may or may not result in a new government. In the meantime the EU has granted an extension to Article 50, allowing the UK more time to ratify the withdrawal agreement......>>
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India update - November 2019
In this issue: Firstly, for many years you have known us as Penningtons Manches, a full service law firm in the heart of London with strong regional offices.
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Doing business in the UK - a guide to the legal and commercial considerations for Indian companies
For many Indian companies with international aspirations, the UK remains the first stop on their journey of global expansion. The UK's time zone, close proximity to Europe and the fact that English is the common language of international trade are key factors in the country's success in attracting and retaining international investment and talent.
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