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Finance Focus - December 2024
Welcome to the December 2024 edition of Finance Focus, our newsletter dedicated to the financial services sector. In this issue, we cover a range of topics that are crucial for financial institutions and professionals navigating the current landscape.
Finance Focus - August 2023
Welcome to the latest edition of our Finance Focus, looking at some of the legal issues our financial services sector clients have been experiencing over the last few months. For trade financiers, the key security role of the bill of lading is facing a further challenge following the Unicredit Bank AG v Euronav NV case while for those in the world......>>
Finance Focus - May 2023
Welcome to the latest edition of Finance Focus. In this issue, we continue to cover a range of topics of relevance to clients operating in the financial services sector. For almost as long as I have been involved with the law of trade finance the digitalisation of international trade has been an objective tantalisingly out of reach......>>
Finance Focus - November 2022
No doubt clients and colleagues outside the UK have observed with interest how the UK political landscape has recently been buffeted and overturned by market forces......>>
Finance Focus - May 2022
In our February Finance Focus we highlighted the likely sanctions that would result from a Russian invasion or incursion into Ukraine. The devastating military action that followed has meant that many of those sanctions predictions are now in place and likely to remain so for some time ahead......>>
Finance Focus - February 2022
There never seems to be a dull moment in the world of finance. As the UK starts to emerge this spring from pandemic restrictions, the Ukraine crisis threatens to bring new trade restrictions. In this issue of Finance Focus, we start by looking at the likely impact on trade and commodity finance that such restrictions might bring......>>
Finance update – Spring 2021
As the chips start to ‘fall where they may’ following Brexit, this quarter we look at the practical impact on continuing to operate in the financial services sector in the UK and the challenges of transferring data in the new environment......>>
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